Burger King is the one that has various interesting ads every time and it brings to mind one ad I found most intriguing. It was a print ad. The image was of a woman’s mouth that has bandages in both sides of her lips. It really caught my attention. My first thought was “what happened to her mouth?” When I first saw it, I was not able to read the image, or understand what message they were trying to convey. However, as soon as I read the text at the bottom of the ad, which is saying “really BIG burger.” I was like Oh, this is a very clever idea of showing exactly how big Burger King’s burgers really are. In comparison with its one competitor, MacDonald’s, the big size is the most powerful concept of Burger King itself. The ad is much exaggerated, with the cuts on the model’s mouth and it is very effective marketing because it was successful in catching the audiences attention. This campaign seems very different from other Burger King ads, seems more mysterious, or unknown until you find the Burger King logo. Previously, Burger King targeted the Children’s market, using the “Burger King” in the majority of its ads. This is a very different approach and delivers a strong message to an adult population. I am not sure if children will like it.
Burger King ad
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Jiyoon Ahn
I'm pleased to see Burger King starting to drop "the king" and all associated with it. I don't know a single person who thinks it's funny or clever and I always found it creepy and annoying. This ad, however, is decently engaging, and not at all creepy, which for them is a step in the right direction. Let's hope Burger King stays on this path.
MMMm i do agreee its good that the dropped the creepy plastic King. But im not too sure about this ad. It just really reminds me of a screen shot of Nip and tuck or something that has to do with plastic Surgery.
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