First of all, for those who don't know Helio is a mobile communication company like solo mobile and many more.
Now with that been said, let's analyze the brand logo together. Does this logo say "communication" to anybody? anyone at all? Not me. But let's not bash this logo just yet. Its a visually pleasing logo and as good as it looks it serves other purposes that it shouldn't. Meaning that even though its a mobile company logo, it acts like a logo that could be used for Toronto Hydro or Energy. This is because the second I look at the logo I am drawn to that blue flame and that right away reminds me of chemistry class where you learn about different chemicals and gasses that produce different color flames when torched. Thats how I see it. How do you see it?
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Tolu. O
This logo looks cool,but like you said, it seems as a hydro or energy company logo. It doesn't show any concepts of mobile at all. I don't see any speed or moving in the logo and looks more like a flame or a water drop. But, the design, I like it.
totally agree
As you said, the logo is very unspecific and can be used to describe a company in a different sector. But it's kind of funny because to add to the confusion, they use the tagline "Don't call it a phone" in their recent ads and on their website they try to brand their product as a "device". It's a very ambiguous brand indeed.
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