This Dolce & Gabbana advertisement was published in the March 2007 issue of Esquire Magazine; subsequently it was banned and never given the opportunity to be published in any other magazine.
"It is a provocative ad, but it is provoking things that really are not what we want to have provoked." - Kim Gandy, president of the National Organization for Women (NOW). What are these things that the ad is provoking, you ask? Well, according to the worldwide protests that resulted in the ad's ban, it is provoking sexual violence and gang rape. Accoring to Stefano Gabbana, the ad portrays an innocent sexual fantasy or erotic game. A game? Scrabble is game. Does the female model in the image have the face of a girl that's enjoying a game of Scrabble?
Continuing on, despite the fact that D&G claim that the advertisement doesn't reflect the opinions/feelings of the company/brand, the ad was an in-house job.
An Erotic Game Called Rape?
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I love scrabble... rape on the other hand.. not so much.
Yeah, these types of ads annoy the hell out of me. Using sex in ads is just so terribly easy, especially when you're trying to sell something. But now, it's reaching the point where the ads are more than sexual, they're ultra violence and ultra sex to the that these types of images don't phase us anymore. But I think that's the point, we're no longer phased by these images and this is why some ad agencies attempt to go further with their campaigns. But the way I see it, they're going the wrong way, to the extreme where we just get fed up.
In other words, ads are just whoring themselves off. That ad is just a perfect example of models prostituting what's left of their souls...lest their bodies.
This ad really irritates me too. I do not believe that women should be put on display like that. Why does D&G have to advertise their fashion this one. I do not think this "gang rape" concept will help promote its fashion line. I feel like this ad is not really promoting clothes but more on sex. I think D&G should be holdong back on its sexual content for its next ad.
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