I came across the brand Chupa Chups and wondered about its identity.
Origin: Barcelona by Enric Bernat 1958
Currently owned by: Dutch/Italian corporation called Perfetti Van Melle
The word: ‘Chupar’ in Spanish means to suck
Logo: Logo was designed by surrealist Salvador Dali, and their marketing logo in Spanish was “Its round and long lasting”
Celebrity endorsements include Madonna. In 1980 they campaigned “Smoke Chupa Chups”, to attract adult consumers – innovative; football coach Johan Cruyff used to smoke 20 packs a day but he quit undergoing surgery and began chain sucking Chupa Chups.
Chupa Chups and Subculture: It is known they had an product/subculture association during the 3rd generation raver period. The colours of Chup Chups wrappers reflected their aesthetic style and it is said they sucked Chupa Chups to prevent teeth grinding which was a result of ecstasy use during these raves.
If I were to purchase lollipops, I prefer Chupa Chups because I really enjoy the taste and various unique flavours i.e. Strawberry Vanilla, Chocolate Mocha, unlike the usual sucrose flavoured lollipops. Chupa Chups (sizes) satisfies the enjoyable taste you crave for and their lollipops aren’t overly sweet having more of a creamy taste. They usually come in a flowery display, displaying each lollipop, or sometimes, they come in large milk containers with cute illustrations ie. farm and cows. The also have subbrands, toys, dental lollipops, mint gums. They are very up to date in terms of branding, consumer interaction, social/health/economic responsibility, which I was surprised to see. For a brand, that I thought was low key, is actually well established and in tune with the branding culture. Check out their website for details.
As for the logo, I think it’s a unique logo (designed by Salvador Dali!), its very appropriate for the product, friendly, fun, and colourful, smartly designed compliment the shape of the product. I appreciate their unique typographic treatment, font choice, colours (appetizing) and the derivative of the word Chupa Chups - it relates to the sound you make when your sucking a round lollipop. Aesthetically, I think it’s a very successful brand that appeals and compliments all aspects of a product; visual identity, sound, taste, look and feel. Even though I don’t see much marketing for this brand or at least here in Toronto, I find that the taste of this lollipop is one of a kind and essentially speaks for itself.
Reference: Wikipedia, www.chupachups.com
Chupa Chups!
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I work at a candy store and the fact that the Chupa Chups logo was designed by Salvador Dali is one of the fun facts I like to give my customers!
I agree that we dont see almost any marketing for this brand, but for some reason I still have a strong attachment to the name, the logo and the candy itself from my childhood. I wonder how they do it.
while i was reading your post, I was just thinking same thing as ana. chupa chups sure brings up my childhood memories..theres nothing that beats chupa chup lollypop! oh! yea and my favourites were Strawberry Vanilla & Chocolate Mocha too! :)
I was not in Canada in my childhood, im just wondering if they actually did advertisement we were kids, because if thats the case, then the answer is there: you guys remember it because they persuaded you when small. I know the brand because of TV, but the lollypops never went to El Salvador, but never go to have them :(
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