I'm sure a fair number of you have encountered a Froster ad. Froster is a slushie style drink sold exclusively through Mac's Convenience Store locations, and always inspires extremely aggressive and (arguably) offensive advertising campaigns. The campaigns are released during the summer months, and target teenagers. There is a seperate website specifically marketing the product to kids, complete with net abbreviations and a playful, "buddy buddy" tone addressing the viewer.
Which brings me to this year's campaign, entitled WTF? The ad is pretty antisemetic...although I'm not entirely sure what it's supposed to be saying. Apparently it's just as controversial as the "Bloody Zit" of a few years past, or the "Whack" from last year which unabashadly referenced masturbation. I really don't know what they think they're doing with these campaigns, but apparently they're going for a "so hip it's distasteful" type thing. I am by NO means a prude, but I seriously think these ads are trying way too hard to be young, and are coming off as dirty. Like, dirty old man style dirty. It's like a parent crashing a kid's sleep over....creepy.
An interesting little article on the public reaction to the campaign. http://www.lifesite.net/ldn/2007/may/07050906.html
It's pretty bad when your employees are embarassed by your marketing...wouldn't you guys agree?
Mac's Froster
Posted by
Sean F.
"Like, dirty old man style dirty. It's like a parent crashing a kid's sleep over....creepy." - that's a hilarious analogy, had a good laugh
I don't know what they're trying to get at, their campaign is literally "WTF".
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