Cadbury, Gorilla, Phil Collins... I just don't see the connection.

You may want to watch this first because if not, you probably won't have a clue about what I'm talking about.
(Turn the volume UP!)

Ohhhhhhhhhh Cadbury.

You used to be the magical brand holding the secretive Caramilk chocolate bar. Persuading the audience, making us wonder, "How DO they get the caramel in the center?"
Pardon me if I think this 'secret' was an on target strategy, strengthening and differentiating the chocolately treat.
But gorillas...
Confuse me?
I ... um... yea... I'm lost.
Are you trying to be Skittles with their random image?
I don't understand how this new take is on track with the cadbury brand image of holding the magical secret.
Why abandon the strong image for something that still makes us wonder, but not in the good way?
I can understand the monkey thing on some basic level because for some reason people love primates but COME ON.
This does nothing to add to the Cadbury intrigue. How does it relate?
Maybe YOU have the answer or at least some kind of insight.

I on the other hand smell a cop-out & a client with a burning hole in their pocket.


Kenny Li said...

The "random" image seems to be a quite popular take in several recent advertisements. Take the new "Get a Load of Milk" commercials. Rather than have an entire 15 second commercial they have opted to do three short 5 second clips with very "random" visuals and placed between the regular commercials. Perhaps these ads are solely relying on impact and not so much rationality.

aaronwong said...

This commercial of Cadbury left me with the question of "wtf"? But maybe it's the impact or impression of the "wtf" which could make it a good thing? Anyways, it was very random and out of context. I agree with your point of view on some level and Kenny Li's on another.

Graphic Designer said...

When I saw this ad a couple of weeks ago I was also left with the impression of 'wtf was that?' It plays on the tagline of 'a glass and a half of joy'. I'm assuming it's just suppose to be a simple joy that can make people laugh when they see it and most importantly a memorable ad that has nothing to do with the actual product.

anyone said...

OMG...wacked out Gorilla, Phil Collins...Tarzan?? ahahaha...sorry but this ad is hilarious, i couldn't help but burst out laughing. All I can say is...I was amused and I will always be thinking about this ad when I buy Cadbury chocolate. works?

anyone said...

Oh by the way, please find more of these crazy ads :)