The Hyrax.

The hyrax is not a corporation. The hyrax is not a brand. The hyrax has nothing to do with brand strategies or anything related to design. It is a simple example of how an image or visual will get your attention (especially if it stands out). If you're reading this then it has. I've noticed that I'm only reading a blog post if the image gets my attention. So I've decided to play with that idea to see what happens. Of course it ends here. You can't buy hyrax shoes, or wear hyrax make-up. One thing I believe I'm learning from this is that anything can get someone's attention, but how long can you keep it? In brand development, I believe good design and good branding will keep someone's attention forever. Sadly for this hyrax, we'll all take his existence for granted.
Godspeed little one.


KateUbbi said...

only you would do something like this.

aaronwong said...

This post definitely caught my attention and i totally agree in brand development how good branding should keep someone's attention forever. Go Hyrax!!!!!!!!!!!!