Recently when I walked by the Payless ShoeSource
at my local mall, I've realize that their Logo has changed.
As you may recall, their previous logo was ugly Brown-Orange
-Yellowish colour, very cheap looking, and indeed matches
what they sell. Their new logo looks a lot more sophisticated,
yet kept it clean and simple. When I walked by, I also saw
A big poster selling American Eagle shoes... however I was not
fooled. Being a visually interpretive person as we all are, I noticed
that the logo wasn't the same as the Eagle from American Eagle
"Outfitters". I chose to write about this because just yesterday
my brother and I somehow got into this conversation, and he was
arguing that they were the same, when clearly the logo is different.
I was trying to explain to him that businesses don't change their
Logo's for no reason and have 2 at the same point, especially
in the fashion industry. But he was so confident that he shook on
a $100 bet. So we Googled it and turns out that indeed, they are
different, and American Eagle Outfitters has also filed a lawsuit
against Payless.
For more Information, visit the Boston Globe Website:
American Eagle ... at Payless?
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When I first saw their brand at payless: American Eagle...i thought "no way"...they can't have just copied and referred to the clothing store. I didn't even realize Outfitters was missing or part of the retail brand name...They took a huge risk copying a well known brand, and making it into a shoe brand.
What were they thinking?????
I agree, it was very risky, mostly because they didn't just copy the name "American Eagle" in an attempt to sell crap, but they copied the identity. Colour palette, target audience, suggested lifestyle, advertising techniques, etc. DEFINITELY lawsuit worthy.
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