Better yet, nausea is in the air. The scent of McDonald's ... I know it ... you know it .... your mom and her brother know it. Its strong, potent when a restaurant is near, and its highly identifiable. Hell, that smell could be a brand of its own. Trust me, there's a McDonald's just up the street from where I live, that stench is churning out of there 24-7.
So what's up with that smell? Why is it so consistent? Why is it so strong? What makes it so recognizable? ... Is that smell just as manufactured as every other shitty product they create?... Is it just a bottled scent that McDonald's employees are forced to spritz around the restaurant every hour, on the hour? ... I couldn't tell you, but whatever that stench is it has become a highly successful signifier of McDonald's products. You know the scenario, you're sitting in a poorly ventilated room, someone walks in with food, that smell fills the air and you don't even need to see the red and yellow to know what they just brought in.
Its manipulative but it sells ... just like every item McDonald's maunfactures ...
Love Is In The Air ...
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LOL.. thats so true
well if you think about it, since our society is "kind of" in a health conscious state of mind, this scent can be thought of as a disadvantage to the Company. Cause once I smell McDonalds, i run away cause you can FEEL the oil on your face.
Yea. I never really noticed it but now that you mention it, McDonald's does have a very distinctive smell that is instantly identifiable. I think it is a very effective tactic to use the consumers' other senses to associate with the brand. I wonder if it is actually an intentional strategy set by McDonald's.
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