As I’m sure many Mac user's and enthusiasts will be heartbroken to hear there has been a lot of talk about ditching Justin Long (the Mac) from future Mac ads. Some critics feel that when the viewer leaves the ad they are left empathizing with the PC and feeling as though Mac is a "smug little twit."(Seth Stevenson, critic for Slate). I personally feel the opposite but I am probably as biased as you can get after using Macs all my life.
Many feel that the "I'm a Mac" campaign has reached perfection and that there is only one way to go from here. Some didn’t believe it would last this long but it's going as strong as ever. Justin Long is both the face and voice of Mac but maybe it is time for the Mac ads to go in a different direction. Though they don’t have the same novelty as they used to I can’t imagine anyone declining to watch a new ad.
Mac is going to need to be careful about what direction they go in now and what voice they use because without the Mac and PC relationship the whole brand will have a completely different feel to it.
Mac said to drop Justin Long
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Apple's brand continuously changes with whatever is hip at the time. Since a lot of companies are using robots to promote their products, I think Apple will somehow integrate an android of sorts confused to how Macs work, and along comes a boy who starts using the computer like there's no tomorrow. =D)
Oh please say this happens. I love Justin Long, but those Mac ads are annoying and misrepresentative of the product. It's great that Macs are all about being usable out of the box and accessible to people who are ignorant of computer use, but please don't advertise to the nation as a whole like we're all computer illiterate.
If you watched the mac ads from the beginning, they seems to have gotten a little more aggressive towards PC's. Before they seemed factual and witty, but now they seem to exploit PC's faults rather than advertise the Mac's strength.
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