I've recently watched this documentary about walmart. It seems that this all american brand has taken over not only large suburban areas but small american towns, and by doing so has made it virtually impossible for other small, family owned businesses to sustain themselves. These issues also affect canada. During my roadtrip this summer, I've came accross multiple small towns, with a population of a few thousand people. And even there, there was a wire range of one-of-a kind business locations shut down and left abandoned, while the tim hortons and canadian tire, are up and running and doing better than ever. I reccomend this documentary to everyone, you can find it on Google video.
WALMART- high cost of low price
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Walmarts provide jobs for unskilled workers with flexible hours and decent benefits, as well as boosting traffic and the local economy. They provide cheap goods/clothes/appliances for low-income families. The only reason that small businesses go under is because people want to shop at Walmart, it provides the same services to people with more variety and at a cheaper cost, something that mom and pop shops can't do, as well as being massive centres for employment, something that mom and pop shops can't support.
Hate Walmart for it's business practices, or the way it treats it's suppliers/manufacturers, or for it's reluctance to unionize it's workers. The mom and pop shop ideal however is silly, these 'one of a kind' businesses provide less for the local economy in terms of goods, services, and employment at a higher cost.
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