Consumer Generated Money Machines

Fast Company - Amateur Hour, Web Style

The link above is to a great article by NYT's Magazine columnist Rob Walker. While I think everyone has been buzzing on the high of being named both Agency of the Year, and Person of the year in 2006, I'm glad someone like Rob has brought up a new opinion about the real motivation behind consumer-generated content. I personally had very hard time that anyone has that much time on their hand's to spend making creative homage's to their favorite brands for the fun of it. Rob's perspective makes a lot more sense to me, these people are interested in not just building the company's brand, but their own brand in a sense.

This symbiotic process could lead us into a very interesting time full of people looking to get rich/famous and fast. I'm waiting for the day when instead of, we have Another blog discuss a presentation that Rob gave at a recent conference in which he puts forth the idea that today's youth are not rebelling against commercial culture, they are creating it. Check it out here

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