Google Rocks My Socks

I am a person who uses Google religiously, whenever I need to find something, or have a random question I turn to Google. So today, while I was using my favourite search engine I wondered to myself, how is Google viewed as a brand? I think they display a fun and friendly image that makes people want to use the site. Their themed logos for major holidays make the site seem inviting, but still simple and uncomplicated. It’s fast, direct and provides quality resources. The name and logo work well together, contributing to the humourous side of the brand, while maintaining a serious side that shows the company cares about what it does. I think it’s a great brand identity that really represents what the company stands for.


Sean F. said...

I agree. While I never jumped on the gmail bandwagon, I do find google maps VERY useful. It really makes google a dashboard for daily use. And the holiday themes keep the site feeling constantly plugged in and relevant.

Jiyoon Ahn said...
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Jiyoon Ahn said...

Google is my favorite one. This site is set by me as my home page of firework. I don't use any other sites for researching and it is maybe because I really enjoy to see the fun images of Google main pain page, which they design with their logo every week or every month(?).
It's a good marketing strategy.

Je Jun Lee said...

I use google as my search engine as well. It just outstands any other sites out there. And they also have google maps which I find it very useful.