When I first saw an Apple computer with the shiny logo, I was amazed at how elegant the PowerPC with the apple and multiple colours. So after they changed the logo to a slick slivery Apple and I was sold, I wanted one of the machines for myself and all the peripherals that came with it! I stopped believing they were selling me a computer, rather the things that came from Apple had become fashion accessories and the look itself represented a lifestyle I wanted to have.
Changing the logo to what it is now only enforces the professional and lifestyle feeling of the company and how when they say when Apple's "just work" we believe them. I say this because I walked into the Apple store the other day and everything was open to touch, and I noticed more things like televisions using Apple products, and people talking and using their products. But I believe the company had produced an image of superiority that Apple itself is hard to live up to. Everyone expects Apple to be perfect and once it's not, the company gets chastised for it. My friends brand new computer had broken within the first day of his purchase, and since that day he's been anti-Apple since that day. Again having a reputation of superior quality, having a hiccup in that short amount of time essentially ruins the brand itself.
Apple computers work... almost
Posted by
Wai Yuan
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