I was surfing one day online when I came across this thread about this new product called the tune-buckle otherwise known to most as the I-Buckle. Immediately it made me think “why on earth do we need this!?” Although this product is not part of apple, it struck to me how many other companies and businesses such as Tune Buckle, Levis, and Nike make the dough from leeching off of this powerful brand. In my opinion Apple is “over doing it” with the products they are coming out with: I-Pod, I-Shuffle, I-Nano, I-Phone, I-Touch... well you get the point. The funny thing is people buy into it knowing that their “I-product” is not complete without another product that carries the SAME features but this time with an “additional” feature! The sickening part of it is that this vicious cycle of producing these excessive products will never end. Weather its apple or some other business leeching off on the “I-theme”, the world will be slowly consumed with I-products NOoooooooooooo!!
I-Shoes, I-Jeans, I-Buckle~! When will it end?!
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