What is going on, dear Samsung? I'm crestfallen that this brand is being driven into the ground when it's actually not a bad product (I had a Samsung phone that was caught in the rain, and after mear hours, was in perfect working order again.) They are piggy-backing design (LG Chocolate, iphone and a bastardized form of the razor knock off's.) and are backing it up with a campaign even my mother would consider lack-luster. I know it's easier to point the finger and offer criticisizms than to find amazing work... but when you're toting your book around looking for critiques, it's hard not to resent the people mashing up your own work when they're churning out garbage like this... and getting paid for it. Bad idea (so bad, I'm not even sure what it is.) and bad execution. Samsung, you are the new Magnovox and even Candice Bergen can't help you.
It ain't over 'til the fat lady Samsung.
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Every time i see this ad i think it's for sunglasses.
Yeah. These ads are pretty lame. I mean...it's not that jawdropping. It looks like any other phone I've seen. I can see where they were going with the whole "Wow! Look at that guy's phone!" thing, but showing a line of people peering over their sunglasses is pretty uninspired. I can see it more if, i don't know, there was a really attractive beach girl in a bikini and a bunch of guys are checking her out. But then you realize they're really just into the phone tucked into her thong. Now THAT'S jawdropping :)
This is funny because the only thing actually dropping it's jaw is the phone. Wouldn't the ad have been more effective if the sentence actually had a relationship between the person and the phone?
I think there are numerous ways Samsung could have carried out this advertisment successfully, but instead completely dropped the ball. The focus isn't on their product, and even when you figure out what the ad is for you realise how lame their concept is. I think you might be on to something guys.. maybe give them a call and pitch your ideas!
Complete turn OFF.
The concept probably looked better on paper.
Or in the creative person's head.
Either way, complete miss.
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