Drink milk love life~!

Whenever I pass the Milk AD billboard, I always overwhelmed about their Advertisement. I think this is one of the great example of most effective advertisement especially for the young generation who are living in the image dominated world. Without a single word, the image conveys its quintessential message to the onlookers. Milk poured into a bone is very persuasive! It is just simple but it tells everything why we should all drink milk. It’s also effective in a country of a multicultural background. There’s no language involved. It’s a Universal language.
…just brilliant!

1 comment:

Jiyoon Ahn said...

Yeah, it is a very smart idea of using only one image of a bone and it reveals most of the concepts of milk itself without any texts. I love simple design, and this is very appealing. Worldwidely, everyone will recognize this ad, especially for children.