Brand Name Condoms

NIKE- just do it /// MCDONALDS- we love to see you smile/// CHEVY- like a rock /// PRINGLES - once you pop, you can't stop /// KFC- finger-lickin good /// BOUNTY- the quicker picker-upper /// M&M's - it melts in your mouth, not in your hands /// ENERGIZER - it keeps going and going...
So i was doing research for another project and came across this little gem. I thought it was pretty funny, apparently any tagline can work when you're talking about sex. So be careful next time you create a logo/tagline for a company!


Wallace K said...

well in this day and age, any saying, new or old can be transformed into sexual connotations. . .

Carrie Liang said...

haha, they are so funny... nowadays, more and more slogans have been used for different kinds of products, which are not belong to originals. However, have people think about it would be a problem of stealing the others patents...